During the 2018-2019 school year, our District Safety Team spent time researching the best way to train and prepare our District in the event we should have to deal with the threat of an act of extreme violence on one of our campuses.
This group identified “Run, Hide, Fight”, a program endorsed and supported by the State of Vermont AOE, as the best tool for our district, and presented a plan to our school board in April 2019 to add it to our current safety protocols. Distilled to its simplest, this training teaches that our staff should be prepared to “Run when it’s safe to run. Hide where it’s safe to hide. Fight if you or others around you have no other options.”
For the past few months, we have been working with a team of nationally recognized school-safety specialists on a three-phase, district-wide training plan to implement “Run, Hide, Fight” in BSD.
Part of this plan includes creating a space for parents to learn more from our experts and ask questions. Please join us on December 11th at 6PM at Integrated Arts Academy to engage in this conversation.
Childcare and translation services will be provided. Please send questions to superintendent (at) bsdvt (dot) org
“Run, Hide, Fight” Community Forum
December 11, 6 PM
Integrated Arts Academy
RSVP on our Facebook page.