A group of students from HMS and EMS attended the Our Voices Xposed (OVX) Leadership Summit on Oct. 30th at Lake Morey Resort. This conference was aligned with the Be Above Club’s mission to create a healthier school community and was not just about learning, but also about doing. Students actively engaged in understanding how the tobacco industry uses misleading advertising and promotions. They also had the chance to develop leadership, advocacy and presentation skills, organize tobacco prevention projects, and connect with other like-minded youth from across Vermont, all while having fun.
Ruby Bridges Walk
Hunt Middle School students walked together on Thursday November 14th in honor of Civil Rights icon Ruby Bridges. After learning about how Ruby Bridges desegregated her all white elementary school in New Orleans in 1960, the students made signs and walked through nearby neighborhoods and past CP Smith school to show how students can stand up against racism and bullying. The walk was followed by a ceremony outside of HMS with speeches by student leaders as well as Senator Kesha Ram Hinsdale.
We were on the news!
Our full ceremony with student and guest speakers
Decora-teen @Fletcher Free Library
Love arts & crafts? Spend your day off school creating winter decorations for the library! Participation in this program counts towards BHS Community Service Hours!
Monday, Nov 25, 2024, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Ages 12-18. No registration required.
Hunt Garden Service Project
The UBUNTU Service Project in the HMS garden is this Saturday, 10/26, from 10:00am-11:30am. We’ll be spreading compost and hay, pulling a couple more plants, and planting garlic in preparation for next year.
Many hands make light work, so tell your family, friends, neighbors! I’ll bring some kind of baked good, and it should be a lovely time. Come for all or part of it.
With gratitude,
Teen Leadership Weekend
VTeen Leadership Weekend is a fun-filled weekend developing important skills and traits that will help stretch and improve your leadership, communication, problem solving, teamwork and other transferable skills to take back and use in your club work, school and community.
We welcome ALL teens in grades 8-12 who want to improve their life and leadership (transferable) skills and make a difference in their club, community and our world!
- Fun activities
- Skill building games
- Action planning
- Meet new friends
- Just for teens!
The deadline to register has been extended to October 25.
Magic the Gathering Club
Tuesdays afterschool at the Miller Center.
Starts on Tuesday, October 22!
No materials needed; snack included.
Drop in or email Meg for more info: mbohne@bsdvt.org
Women’s Soccer Team Mentors HMS Students
HMS Panthers welcomed members of the St. Michael’s College Women’s Soccer team to 7th and 8th Grade PE classes to talk with students about empathy and kindness as part of the October Anti-Bullying Month activities. Students talked about lifting others through kind words and actions. The visiting St. Mike’s student athletes emphasized the message that it’s important to remember that we never really know what another person is going through or dealing with, so always be kind!

Afterschool Yoga for HMS Students
Fill out this form if you are interested in participating in yoga sessions with G from Sangha Yoga Studio. Sessions will be held at the Miller Center at 3 pm after school on Wednesdays, come hang out and grab a snack at drop in teen center beforehand. The first session is Wednesday, October 16!
6th Grade Family Art Night
Come experience ‘zentangle inspired designs’ with guest 6th grade instructors accompanying their art teacher, Ms. Hawkes. No prior experience is necessary to draw and all supplies will be provided. You will be able to take your drawings home!
Meet at HMS in the Cafeteria, October 22. We will begin promptly at 6:30pm – 7:30pm
New Club at HMS – BE ABOVE
Be Above is an afterschool student leadership club that promotes health and wellness in our school and community. Join us for fun projects and events that spread positivity and aim to educate our peers about making healthy choices and reducing substance use.
Upcoming leadership opportunities include attending a statewide conference and statehouse rally, as well as school events that combat bullying and vaping, and of course, Spirit Week!