- Design & Technology | Mr. Caswell
- Health | Ms. Francis-Fath
- Music Education | Ms. Sherman, Mr. Kerr & Mr. Hakim
- Physical Education | Mr. Furlani & Ms. St. Pierre
- Visual Arts | Ms. Hawkes
- World Language | Ms. Bartlett
Kathy Stergas 7/8th Grade Counselor 802-864-8469 x61005
Karen Quinn 6th Grade Counselor 802-864-8469 x61006
Counseling services include classroom instruction, small group discussions and individual counseling services. Students may make appointments in the school counselors’ office. Parents may schedule an appointment by calling the counselors office at 802-864-8469 x61004.
Student Support Services are available at Hunt to assist our students in a number of ways. Our staff of special educators, speech and language specialists, school psychologist and guidance counselor are here to be part of your child’s team to help them excel inside and outside the classroom
Catherine Paradiso 802-864-8469 x61013
The primary role of the school nurse is to support student learning. The nurse accomplishes this by implementing strategies that promote student and staff health and safety. The nurse takes a leadership role in serving as the coordinator of all school health programs in the following manner:
- Health Services — serves as the coordinator of the health services program and provides nursing care
- Health Education — provides health education to students, staff and parents
- Healthy Environment — identifies health and safety concerns in the school environment and promotes a nurturing social environment
- Nutritional Services — supports healthy food services programs
- Physical Education/Activity — promotes healthy physical education, sports policies and practices
- Counseling — provides health counseling, assesses mental health needs, provides interventions and refers students to appropriate school staff or community agencies
- Parent/Community Involvement — promotes community involvement in assuring a healthy school, serves as school liaison to a health advisory committee.
- Staff Wellness — provides health education and counseling, promote healthy activities and environment for school staff
Please visit our Burlington School Food Project website to view menus and learn about what is available.
Our dedicated custodians work hard behind the scenes to keep our school in great shape. To contact District Property Services, please call 802-864-2158.