Five 7th grade students attended the Vermont Youth Assembly at the State House where they participated in a mock legislative event. The students were responsible for picking a law that they want to see change in Vermont and presenting that to the mock legislative team. They presented two bills from our school. One bill that requires all teachers to be CPR and epi-pen certified, and the second bill was an act to change the age of availability for credit for those with dependents and minimum wage salaries, changing it from age five to age ten.
Students had the opportunity to meet state senators, tour the state house, and show off their incredible academic skills!
HMS won ALL THREE awards that were presented at the final ceremony. There were 5 other schools, two of which were high schools.
Please congratulate:
Lydia Spinner on winning “best debater”
Cady Murad on winning “best delegate”
Vee Julius-Page, Layla Hamlin, and Sophia Constantino on winning “best bill.”